People Are Talking
Appearance Announcement

Silver Scream Con is SPOOKTACULAR!
Silver Scream Press Release:
🎃Vendor & Panel Announcement:
Everybody please welcome SPOOKTACULAR! to this years Silver Scream Con!
Do you remember Spookyworld? The little horror theme park revealed itself in Berlin, Massachusetts in 1991 and legend has it, the original horror scream park and its haunted houses, sideshow attractions, and haunted hayride were a huge influence on none-other-than Spencer Charnas, a co-producer on the forthcoming documentary SPOOKTACULAR! Behind the Screams of America’s Original Horror Theme Park. Tom Savini is an executive producer on the film. Original creator David Bertolino takes the stage at Silver Scream Con, joined by director Quinn Monahan and producer Anthony Landry. Stab for tickets 🔪 www.silverscreamcon.com
For more updates on the film be sure to follow: 🎃 SpooktacularMovie 🎃
It's Spencer Charnas' Spooky World: We Just Live (and die) In It
Digging into the horror origins of Nine Ice Kills' horror-obsessed frontman.
Fangoria - By Brian Collins
If you were to travel about 40 miles west of Boston Massachusetts, to a little town called West Berlin, you might stumble upon a nondestript barn next to a house a bit off the road from a faded "For Sale" sign. One might assume it was just an everyday abandoned property, but as any New England monster kid from the '80s and '90s can tell you, it's the former location of the original incarnation of "America's Horror Theme Park" also known as...